About Me
I am a freelance artist, mother of a little girl and an admirer of the beauty of life.
I was born in Příbram, now I live and work in Prague.

Kateřina Nádas
It’s never too late and everything has its right time. You can start again and again at any time. Gather the courage to let go of the old, which no longer serves you, and open up to new possibilities. Listen to the voice of your heart. These are the slogans that I apply both, in the process of creation of my paintings and in my life, as our lives are one big creation.
Kateřina Nádas is a sensitive, honest, creative soul. She prefers to express herself non-verbally, through painting. She thinks about things in their entirety and by painting she keeps herself in oneness with the universe.
Her path to painting did not always lead in a straight line. Only thanks to the journey of self-discovery did she realized what painting and the creative process can do. In painting, she discovered her inner peace, which strengthens her life energy and growth.
Painting is her great passion. Katka’s vision is to create images that make people happy and bring beauty into their lives.
She believes that a painting is a jewel of the interior. It can unify it colourwise and it attracts attention. It can also change the mood and energy in the room. A hand-painted picture evokes emotions and has a magical power.
Ateliér Art Fest
Prague, Czech Republic
Restaurace Natureza
Prague, Helichova
Výstava k příležitosti koncertu Pocta Petru Ebenovi
Karlovy Vary
Festival umění
Lysá nad Labem

What is my story?
I’m so glad I made all changes in my life. Everything fits together beautifully and I am incredibly grateful for having opportunities like this.
My journey to business started with interiors. At that time, I was moving for the umpteenth time and I had a lot of renovations to do. I signed up for Jana Pěkná’s Home Design Basics course and bought at least ten more books on interiors and feng shui. I started attending lectures by DAM Academy architects and all possible interior fairs and lectures for the public. I also completed the Kitchen Design course, where Iva Bastlová lectured. The more I delved into the secrets of design, the stronger the calling to devote myself to this field became.
I finally decided to leave the safe spot of a corporate employee in the Personnel Department. A small voice inside me was pulling me out of my role as an IT Coordinator and Compensation and Benefits Specialist. The voice kept coming back and was whispering to me that this was not the world for me. The first step to change was a job in a family business with air conditioners. Thanks to the possibility to work part-time, I managed to combine two worlds – the world of the corporation and the world of entrepreneurship.
At Jana Pěkná’s School of Interior Design, I helped to kick off the Designers’ Club. That at the same time enabled me to be “right at the source” on the way to my dream interiors and the number of satisfied clients increased. Interiors will always remain my great love. I really like to decorate them and keep up with new trends. I follow the news on the market with interest and I enjoy participating in DIY projects.
My creative self, which longed for self-actualization, was hidden somewhere deep. However, it still painted. It didn’t know why or for whom, but it painted in every free moment. Sometimes it went to a course, to evening drawing at UMPRUM and also completed various online courses. It did anything just to have a chance to paint – in any way and with anything.
The demand for my paintings gradually increased. I also noticed that I am able to get others excited about painting and I started organizing workshops.